Chris Christie is not only a vicious bigot and a hopelessly corrupt bully, he’s a creepy fanboy, with his me-too pursuits of pro-football teams and Bruce Springsteen. I don’t think he wants to be President – I think he wants a Golden Globe.
Would David Oyelowo have been nominated for an Oscar if Martin Luther King had also had Alzheimers?
Wouldn’t it be fun to see all of the Best Picture nominees remade with Legos? Especially American Sniper?
After Angelina Jolie wasn’t nominated, did the Pope call her to express his sympathy? And did Angelina tell His Holiness, “Yeah, thanks a pantload but maybe you could’ve prayed a little harder, Fran”?
Wouldn’t it be great if all the Best Acting nominees, as part of their final score, had to answer a Personality Question? Especially during the years Russell Crowe was nominated?
Why can’t there be an Oscar category for people who just tried really hard, called Good Job!