I’ve been noticing those decals which the drivers of mini-vans have been adding to their windows, of stick figures which indicate family members: there’s usually a Mom stick figure, a Dad,a batch of children and maybe some pets. The first time I saw a set of these decals, I assumed that these were the people and animals which the driver had eliminated during a series of hit-and-runs.
I also look for those bumper stickers which announce, “I’m The Proud Parent Of An Honor Roll Student” or “I’m The Proud Parent Of A Northwestern Grad.” Shouldn’t the parents of somewhat less accomplished kids also be allowed to over-share?
“I’m The Proud Parent Of A Drug Mule!”
“My Child Can Read This Bumper Sticker!”
“My Son? Acquitted!”
“A State School Is A Great School!”
“My Boy Went On A Job Interview!”
“My Daughter Is Dating A Married Man Who Says He Loves Her!”
“Honk If You’re Still In Grad School!”
“My Adopted Child Stole This Car!”
“My Twins Got A Perfect Score On Their SATs! Combined!”
“Unplanned? All Of ‘Em!”